Jonah Week 4 - Running Against God


Jonah 3:10-4:11

10 God saw their actions—that they had turned from their evil ways—so God relented from the disaster he had threatened them with. And he did not do it.

4 Jonah was greatly displeased and became furious. 2 He prayed to the Lord, “Please, Lord, isn’t this what I said while I was still in my own country? That’s why I fled toward Tarshish in the first place. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger, abounding in faithful love, and one who relents from sending disaster. 3 And now, Lord, take my life from me, for it is better for me to die than to live.” 4 The Lord asked, “Is it right for you to be angry?” 5 Jonah left the city and found a place east of it. He made himself a shelter there and sat in its shade to see what would happen to the city. 6 Then the Lord God appointed a plant, and it grew over Jonah to provide shade for his head to rescue him from his trouble. Jonah was greatly pleased with the plant. 7 When dawn came the next day, God appointed a worm that attacked the plant, and it withered. 8 As the sun was rising, God appointed a scorching east wind. The sun beat down on Jonah’s head so much that he almost fainted, and he wanted to die. He said, “It’s better for me to die than to live.” 9 Then God asked Jonah, “Is it right for you to be angry about the plant?” “Yes, it’s right!” he replied. “I’m angry enough to die!” 10 And the Lord said, “You cared about the plant, which you did not labor over and did not grow. It appeared in a night and perished in a night. 11 So may I not care about the great city of Nineveh, which has more than a hundred twenty thousand people who cannot distinguish between their right and their left, as well as many animals?”



Welcome back to Community Group. This week we wrapped up our Jonah series. Week 1 we saw Jonah running from God, then we saw Jonah run to God and last week we saw Jonah rung with God. This week we are in Jonah chapter 4 and we will see Jonah run against God. Jonah lost heart and awareness when God called him to love the people of Nineveh. 

Our first point, God Challenged His Conviction was found in verses 1-3. Jonah wasn’t scared of the Ninevites, he did not like them. He knew God’s character and that He would probably spare them. Jonah’s intentions were revealed, he knew God’s heart, he just did not agree with it. Jonah was perfectly fine when mercy and grace was extended to him, he just did not want it extended to them. Jonah knew the Bible; he quoted Exodus 34:5-7 while in the belly of the fish and he quoted the Scripture when he described the character of God. It was Jonah’s pride that wanted to justify his disobedience. He acted as if though he knew what was best. He wanted the word of the Lord to be used against the Ninevites, but not against him.

Point two was found in verses 4-8, God Cancelled His Comfort. While he was waiting to see if God would destroy the city, Jonah cared more about his comfort than God’s call. He was missing the opportunity to be a part of one of the greatest revivals of all time. He cared more about being a spectator than a servant. We have people who live in church culture. That culture and comfort bring them to church every week, but they miss the opportunity of being a part of what is happening. They settle for 90 minutes of service and miss out in being a part of the community of faith. They fail to connect with the dream team, with discipleship classes and with community groups. Despite Jonah’s lack of commitment, God was still in control of Jonah. He used Jonah’s skeptical and incomplete message to save the people of Nineveh.

 Our final point, God Clarified His Calling, was found in verses 9-11. The phrase from right and from the left was a Hebrew phrase not referring to children, but rather referring to spiritual blindness. Sometimes we are distracted from doing the work we have been called to do. We all have a calling to go somewhere and do something. It could be at school, at work or in our community. We get so mad about the little things that occur during the week, and are not mindful that God’s heart is broken for the lost. God’s will and work will still be done, even if we chose not to act. Like Jesus, we must be about our Father’s business.



  1. Has God ever challenged your convictions? Share

  2. Have you ever realized that a conviction you had was based more on tradition than Bible? Share

  3. Has God ever cancelled your comfort so that you could fulfill His calling? Share

  4. What made you go from spectator to participant in church? Share

  5. Has God ever had to clarify the calling in your life? Share



Thanks for being a part of Community Group. This is the last video for this semester, we will resume videos in August. If you continue to meet during the summer, take advantage of Experiencing God. I will be on sabbatical for the next six weeks; I will return on July 17th. While I am out, please feel free to reach out to Meichelle if you have any needs. Please pray for the 8 couples I have reached out to for the purpose of becoming Shepherds of our CGs. I will meet with them when I return. I hope to introduce them to you soon. God bless you and I will see you in August!!

Pastor Isuaro Medina
Cell: (956) 984-9380


ID Week 3 - Redeemed


Jonah Week 3 - Running With God