
Leading people to live transformed lives

P R E V I E W S E R V I C E T I M E S :

March 23rd

Launch Sunday: April 20th

Preview Services

Mid Valley Preview Services are a time to worship, prepare, and pray for the start of our Mid Valley Campus before launching to weekly services. We’ll have one each month leading up to our official launch of Mid Valley. If you live in the mid-valley area, join us for our preview service!

If you’re interested in joining our launch team, click the button below.

Our Dream Team is made up of volunteers that use their gifts and talents to serve and continue the mission of our church. We believe every member is uniquely called to serve our church. Choose a campus. Choose a team and start serving!

Join Our
Dream Team


Every Sunday at 11:00am starting April 20th

Upcoming Events

Mid-Valley Team

  • Aaron Saenz

    Campus Pastor - Mid-Valley & Facility Coordinator

  • Erica Rivera

    Ministry Assistant - Campus Pastors