BT Counseling | H2O Stories

BT Cares For You

Our Counselors are trained in the skills of listening, clarifying, and goal setting; all undertaken through prayerful submission to the leading of God. We offer a response to your personal or family needs based on the Christian understanding of giving ourselves to our neighbors. There are no fees incurred in seeing a BT Christian Counselor.

BT Counseling Center is open Monday through Thursday through appointment.  In order to receive counseling, one MUST fill out a counseling application form and return it to us.  Once we receive your form, we will contact you and set up a time for us to visit.  Please be as detailed as you can when filling our counseling intake form.

Types of Counseling we offer:


To make sure your marriage is built on a Christ-centered foundation for a loving and lasting marriage, couples desiring to be married at BT Church or by a BT Church Pastor are required to attend Pre-Marital Counseling. Couples will receive Biblically-based teaching on marriage, practical tools and custom assessments.


We believe that God is the one who invented marriage (Genesis 2:24), so an essential for a successful marriage is living out His plan in marriage. Through marriage counseling you’ll receive a theological understanding of marriage and practical tools to face the “issues” you are facing, to help your marriage thrive.


Our counselors are trained and qualified to help those in need of family counseling. Many times the problems that arise with parents and children can be resolved in a few counseling sessions. Teaching both the parents and children what God expects from them is a key to helping in these areas.

H2O: Hope. Heal. Overcome.

H2O is about giving people the tools they need to live victorious Christian lives in tough everyday situations.
Timing and Location of classes vary. See “Classes & Events” below for current offerings. Click button below to sign up.

Classes & Events.

  • Breaking Chains RGV

    When: Thursdays at 7pm
    Where: McAllen Campus

    Breaking Chains is an exciting new group that will walk with participants as they deal with a variety of issues and addictions.  Feel free to join us as we support each other in a non-judgmental atmosphere of love and acceptance.

    Class participants are encouraged to purchase the book Freedom From Addiction by Neil T. Anderson, which will be used in class.

    Free childcare infant through 5th grade.

    Sign up HERE.

  • GriefShare RGV

    Thursdays at 7pm
    Where: McAllen Campus

    GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone.

    Guests are welcome to join the class at any time.

    Workbooks may be purchased during class.

    Free childcare infant through 5th grade.

    Sign up HERE.

  • Cambios Que Sanan

    When: Thursdays at 7pm | Jueves a las 19:00
    Where: McAllen Campus

    La clase es solo para damas.

    En Cambios Que Sanan aprendemos a ser transformadas al caracter De Dios, por medio de su sabiduria, dejando nuestras viejas maneras de pensar y amoldandonos a su voluntad, que nos sana y es lo mejor para nuestras vidas. Romanos 12:2

    El libro que estamos estudiando es Cambios Que Sanan, escrito por el Dr. Henry Cloud. Los participantes pueden comprar su libro en la tienda de su eleccion.

    Guardería gratuita desde infantes hasta 5to grado.

    Regístrate aquí.

  • R.E.A.L. Circle

    R.E.A.L. stands for:

    When: Thursdays at 7pm
    McAllen Campus

    This class is for women only. We meet to encourage each other on our spiritual journeys. You do not have to be a BT member to join class, so feel free to bring a friend.

    Free childcare infant through 5th grade.

    Sign up HERE.

  • Walking in Freedom

    Friday Evenings at 6:30pm
    Where: Contact 956-599-5953 for details

    Do you long for freedom in your life? Freedom to be who you were created to be? Freedom from the issues that hold you back from the life you want? Most of us have issues of some kind in our lives, whether big issues or little issues, we feel that we are constantly battling to overcome them. Whatever the issues, they hinder you from God’s plan for you to walk in complete freedom. This discipleship group will help you overcome those issues, and walk free of them, and then walk stronger with Jesus. Join our group, and find the ability to walk free of what holds you back! Come hit the reset button on your life!

    We meet at our home and start the meetings with a potluck supper. Bring a main dish, side dish, salad, dessert, or beverage.

    Child care is not provided. If you need to bring your child, please bring quiet play activities they may enjoy while we are meeting.

    Sign up HERE.

    Call 956-599-5953 for address.

Counseling Team