Current Sermon Series: The Story

The Story is a sermon series looking at the metanarrative of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and how God creates and recreates for His glory and our good. Throughout this series we’ll be looking at 6 major themes of the metanarrative of scripture from Genesis to Revelation: Creation; Chaos; Covenant; Christ; Church; Recreation.

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Week 1 | The Cosmic Creation

Week 3 | How did sin enter the world?

Week 5 | Are you projecting the curse or the blessing?

Week 7 | Who's your King?

Week 9 | How does Jesus save?

Week 11 | The Mystery of Redemption

Week 13 | All Things New

Week 15 | Real Church For Real People

Week 2 | The Crown of Creation

Week 4 | How does God respond to our brokenness?

Week 6 | Relationships for Redeemed People.

Week 8 | Need for the New

Week 10 | Why is the Spotlight on Jesus?

Week 12 | The Promise of Redemption

Week 14 | Mission Possible

Week 17 | Finally & Forever

Week 16 | This Is The End